hi every one today iam gona talk abaut my fists friends of the university.

in the 2022 i make of the univesity for second time,  it was here that i met Tamara and Natalie. we shared the most of tthe subjects at that time so we spend a lot of time together because we did most of the work together, and it was easy to become friends, because we have a very similar mood, we thougth very similar in so much items like social and political. i think that is why we ge along so well. 

y really like that every day is so diferents with they, alwas we have diferents storys, abaut things that happen in the subway or in the normal day, that is so funny, also i like that i can be my self, amd talk with absolute normality, but i don´t like that they being late every tim, like the first time that we had to do a job where i waited 1 hours fot them. 

the last time that i saw is exactly now, natali is seat next to me.


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