hi everyone today im gona talk about one lunch meeting with my mom and my grandmother (the mom of my mom), it was one month ago approximately. My grandmother had to come to the doctor in Santiago and my mom acompanied her. they arrived earlier so they could have lunch in my apartament. while they traveled, i got up early to cook lasagna, because my granmother told me a long time ago that she want eat lasagna made by me. when i had the sauces ready,i realized that i was missing lasagna masses, so i went to buy, i thought i would get behind, bat no because when they arrived i have everything ready to eat. 

i am very happy to have lunch whit them, specially with my grandma, because i haven't seen her for a long time. for the dessert they bought cakes in a cake shop nearby of my home 


  1. It´s great that you got to cook for your Grandmother. I bet she enjoyed that.


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