this picture was take the last summer, when i was to a voluntary work nearby of pucon in the south of chile, was take in the final of the path "the cañi" i walk aproximately 8 horas, 5 for ap and 3 for down. the road was really stressfull, because, the las day other volunteer told us that is not necesary lot of food, so whit my friend just cooking one portion of spaghetti each one. to one hour of start, we have hunger, but we cant eat because we lacked so much for arrive to the summit. durin the rute i try get distracted with the nature because is so beautifull pleace, the sanctuary cross a forest of arauracias and other native trees. but we cant soport, so have luch for recharge energy.


when finallly we get to the overlook, all have so much food, and they share with friends, and we just looking, in the summit we take so much pictures and rest, (was ascent of 1 kilometre aproximately). we down so fast, and when arrive to the hause, the first that we do, was, go to eat a big "completo" in a food truck. i like this picture because it reminds me that i dont die in the effort.


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